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Panthers vs Hurricanes

Created - juin 14 2009 at 06:18

1 2 3 T
Panthers 0 2 2 4
Hurricanes 3 1 1 5
1 2 3 T
Panthers 3 11 10 24
Hurricanes 6 11 8 25

Period #1

1. Hurricanes , Josef Vasicek 1 (Erik Cole, Craig Adams) at 1:27
2. Hurricanes , Frantisek Kaberle 2 (Bret Hedican, Cory Stillman) at 3:51
3. Hurricanes , Josef Vasicek 2 (Glen Wesley, Aaron Ward) at 8:57

Penalties :
Bret Hedican (Hur) for Hooking (Minor) at 4:19

Period #2

4. Panthers , Martin Gelinas 3 (Jozef Stumpel) at 15:14
5. Panthers , Martin Gelinas 4 (Scott Mellanby, Jay Bouwmeester) at 18:56
6. Hurricanes , Cory Stillman 1 (Justin Williams, Frantisek Kaberle) at 19:27 (PP)

Penalties :
Scott Mellanby (Pan) for Tripping (Minor) at 1:03, Andy Sutton (Pan) for Interference (Minor) at 2:38, Alexander Karpovtsev (Pan) for Hooking (Minor) at 11:07, Sean Hill (Pan) for Interference (Minor) at 19:11

Period #3

7. Panthers , Jozef Stumpel 3 (Martin Gelinas, Alexander Karpovtsev) at 1:21
8. Hurricanes , Niclas Wallin 1 (Eric Staal, Ray Whitney) at 14:34
9. Panthers , Sean Hill 1 (Olli Jokinen, Gary Roberts) at 16:01 (PP)

Penalties :
Eric Staal (Hur) for Hooking (Minor) at 3:55, Craig Adams (Hur) for Tripping (Minor) at 15:25

Goalie Stats

Roberto Luongo (Pan), 20 saves from 25 shots - (0,800), L, 2-1-1, 59:00 minutes
Manny Legace (Hur), 15 saves from 19 shots - (0,789), W, 2-2-0, 56:01 minutes
Martin Gerber (Hur), 5 saves from 5 shots - (1,000), 3:59 minutes

Players Stats

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB FO    MP 
Alexander Karpovtsev     0  1  1   2  2   2  2  0  0/0   16 
Andreas Dackell          0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0/0   14 
Andy Sutton              0  0  0  -2  2   1  1  1  0/0   18 
Branislav Mezei          0  0  0   0  0   0  0  1  0/0   12 
Chris Gratton            0  0  0   0  0   2  1  0  5/11  11 
Gary Roberts             0  1  1  -2  0   2  4  0  1/1   17 
Jay Bouwmeester          0  1  1   2  0   0  2  0  0/0   16 
Joel Kwiatkowski         0  0  0   0  0   0  2  1  0/0   11 
Josef Boumedienne        0  0  0  -1  0   1  2  0  0/0   15 
Jozef Stumpel            1  1  2   2  0   2  0  0  11/19 14 
Juraj Kolnik             0  0  0  -1  0   3  1  0  0/1   14 
Kristian Huselius        0  0  0  -1  0   1  0  0  0/1   13 
Martin Gelinas           2  1  3   2  0   2  1  0  0/1   16 
Oleg Saprykin            0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0/1   11 
Olli Jokinen             0  1  1  -2  0   2  2  0  11/20 19 
Pavel Trnka              0  0  0  -1  0   1  0  0  0/0   13 
Peter Bondra             0  0  0  -2  0   2  0  0  0/0   17 
Petr Nedved              0  0  0  -1  0   2  1  0  10/16 14 
Scott Mellanby           0  1  1   2  2   0  1  0  1/2   13 
Sean Hill                1  0  1  -2  2   1  1  1  0/0   19 
Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB FO    MP 
Aaron Ward               0  1  1  -1  0   3  2  0  0/0   18 
Andrew Hutchinson        0  0  0   0  0   1  1  1  0/0   10 
Andrew Ladd              0  0  0   0  0   0  2  0  0/0   10 
Bret Hedican             0  1  1   1  2   1  4  0  0/0   22 
Cory Stillman            1  1  2   1  0   4  0  0  3/4   15 
Craig Adams              0  1  1  -1  2   1  1  0  1/2   16 
Eric Staal               0  1  1   1  2   1  0  0  4/15  17 
Erik Cole                0  1  1  -1  0   2  2  0  1/2   18 
Frantisek Kaberle        1  1  2   1  0   2  3  1  0/0   16 
Glen Wesley              0  1  1  -1  0   0  0  2  0/0   18 
Josef Vasicek            2  0  2  -1  0   3  1  1  7/17  16 
Justin Williams          0  1  1   1  0   1  2  0  0/1   12 
Kevyn Adams              0  0  0   0  0   1  3  0  7/9   10 
Matt Cullen              0  0  0   0  0   0  1  0  1/2   10 
Niclas Wallin            1  0  1   1  0   1  3  2  0/0   18 
Oleg Tverdovsky          0  0  0   1  0   0  0  0  0/0   17 
Radim Vrbata             0  0  0   1  0   2  0  0  0/0   17 
Ray Whitney              0  1  1   1  0   1  1  0  1/2   19 
Rod Brind'Amour          0  0  0   1  0   1  0  0  9/19  15 

3 Stars

1 - Martin Gelinas (Pan)
2 - Frantisek Kaberle (Hur)
3 - Jozef Stumpel (Pan)

Power Play

Panthers - 1 on 3 Attempt(s) - 33,33%
Hurricanes - 1 on 4 Attempt(s) - 25,00%

Penalty Kill

Panthers - 3 on 4 Attempt(s) - 75,00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Hurricanes - 2 on 3 Attempt(s) - 66,67% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill

Game Notes

Martin Gerber enters game at 16:01 of 3rd period


Level 1 -- Attendance: 5814 (96,90%) -- Ticket Income 581 400,00 $
Level 2 -- Attendance: 4823 (96,46%) -- Ticket Income 289 380,00 $
Level 3 -- Attendance: 1931 (96,55%) -- Ticket Income 67 585,00 $
Level 4 -- Attendance: 3585 (89,63%) -- Ticket Income 71 700,00 $
Luxury Box -- Attendance: 950 (95,00%) -- Ticket Income 190 000,00 $
Game was played at the RBC Center
Total Attendance: 17103 (95,02%)
Total Ticket Income: 1 200 195,00 $
Other Income: 312 050,77 $
Total Income: 1 512 246,00 $

Team Lines


5 vs 5
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Olli Jokinen             Gary Roberts             Peter Bondra             Sean Hill                Andy Sutton              
 2 Jozef Stumpel            Martin Gelinas           Scott Mellanby           Jay Bouwmeester          Alexander Karpovtsev     
 3 Petr Nedved              Kristian Huselius        Juraj Kolnik             Pavel Trnka              Josef Boumedienne        
 4 Chris Gratton            Oleg Saprykin            Andreas Dackell          Joel Kwiatkowski         Branislav Mezei          

Power Play
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Olli Jokinen             Gary Roberts             Peter Bondra             Sean Hill                Andy Sutton              
 2 Petr Nedved              Martin Gelinas           Scott Mellanby           Jay Bouwmeester          Alexander Karpovtsev     

Penalty Kill - 4 Players
   Center                   Wing                     Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Jozef Stumpel            Andreas Dackell          Sean Hill                Andy Sutton              
 2 Olli Jokinen             Martin Gelinas           Jay Bouwmeester          Alexander Karpovtsev     

4 vs 4
   Center                   Wing                     Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Olli Jokinen             Gary Roberts             Sean Hill                Andy Sutton              
 2 Jozef Stumpel            Martin Gelinas           Jay Bouwmeester          Alexander Karpovtsev     

Penalty Kill - 3 Players
   Forward                  Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Jozef Stumpel            Sean Hill                Andy Sutton              
 2 Petr Nedved              Jay Bouwmeester          Alexander Karpovtsev     

Starting : Roberto Luongo           
Backup : Jean-Marc Pelletier      

Extra Forwards
Juraj Kolnik, Kristian Huselius, Oleg Saprykin, Chris Gratton, Andreas Dackell
Extra Defensemen
Josef Boumedienne, Branislav Mezei, Joel Kwiatkowski, Alexander Karpovtsev, Pavel Trnka
Penalty Shots
Peter Bondra, Gary Roberts, Olli Jokinen, Petr Nedved, Jozef Stumpel
Coach Strategy
Physical Style: 1 - Defense Style: 4 - Offense Style: 0


5 vs 5
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Rod Brind'Amour          Cory Stillman            Justin Williams          Bret Hedican             Frantisek Kaberle        
 2 Josef Vasicek            Erik Cole                Craig Adams              Glen Wesley              Aaron Ward               
 3 Eric Staal               Ray Whitney              Radim Vrbata             Niclas Wallin            Oleg Tverdovsky          
 4 Kevyn Adams              Andrew Ladd              Matt Cullen              Andrew Hutchinson        Bret Hedican             

Power Play
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Rod Brind'Amour          Cory Stillman            Justin Williams          Bret Hedican             Frantisek Kaberle        
 2 Josef Vasicek            Erik Cole                Craig Adams              Glen Wesley              Aaron Ward               

Penalty Kill - 4 Players
   Center                   Wing                     Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Cory Stillman            Rod Brind'Amour          Bret Hedican             Frantisek Kaberle        
 2 Erik Cole                Ray Whitney              Glen Wesley              Aaron Ward               

4 vs 4
   Center                   Wing                     Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Cory Stillman            Rod Brind'Amour          Bret Hedican             Frantisek Kaberle        
 2 Erik Cole                Ray Whitney              Glen Wesley              Aaron Ward               

Penalty Kill - 3 Players
   Forward                  Defense                  Defense                  
 1 Cory Stillman            Bret Hedican             Frantisek Kaberle        
 2 Rod Brind'Amour          Glen Wesley              Aaron Ward               

Starting : Manny Legace             
Backup : Martin Gerber            

Extra Forwards
Cory Stillman, Rod Brind'Amour, Erik Cole, Ray Whitney, Justin Williams
Extra Defensemen
Bret Hedican, Frantisek Kaberle, Glen Wesley, Aaron Ward, Niclas Wallin
Penalty Shots
Cory Stillman, Rod Brind'Amour, Erik Cole, Ray Whitney, Justin Williams
Coach Strategy
Physical Style: 1 - Defense Style: 2 - Offense Style: 2

Play by Play

Period #1

0:01 of 1st period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in neutral zone.
1:01 of 1st period - Off-side.
1:02 of 1st period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.
1:27 of 1st period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
1:27 of 1st period - Goal by Josef Vasicek - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 1.
1:28 of 1st period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone.
1:54 of 1st period - Icing by Alexander Karpovtsev.
1:55 of 1st period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone.
2:10 of 1st period - Shot by Alexander Karpovtsev.
2:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
2:11 of 1st period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone.
2:41 of 1st period - Craig Adams is hit by Andy Sutton.
2:53 of 1st period - Shot by Craig Adams.
2:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:35 of 1st period - Shot by Eric Staal.
3:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
3:36 of 1st period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone.
3:40 of 1st period - Scott Mellanby is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck.
3:47 of 1st period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
3:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound.
3:51 of 1st period - Shot by Frantisek Kaberle.
3:51 of 1st period - Goal by Frantisek Kaberle - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 2.
3:52 of 1st period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in neutral zone.
3:57 of 1st period - Oleg Saprykin is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck.
4:01 of 1st period - Branislav Mezei is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck.
4:05 of 1st period - Chris Gratton is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck.
4:19 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Bret Hedican for Hooking.
4:20 of 1st period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Ray Whitney in Hurricanes zone.
4:20 of 1st period - Martin Gelinas is hit by Aaron Ward and loses puck.
5:21 of 1st period - Niclas Wallin is hit by Gary Roberts and loses puck.
5:31 of 1st period - Icing by Olli Jokinen.
5:32 of 1st period - Erik Cole wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone.
5:37 of 1st period - Shot by Ray Whitney.
5:37 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sean Hill.
5:58 of 1st period - Off-side.
5:59 of 1st period - Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in neutral zone.
7:19 of 1st period - Shot by Kristian Huselius.
7:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:38 of 1st period - Olli Jokinen is hit by Aaron Ward and loses puck.
8:48 of 1st period - Erik Cole is hit by Sean Hill and loses puck.
8:53 of 1st period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
8:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:57 of 1st period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
8:57 of 1st period - Goal by Josef Vasicek - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 3.
8:58 of 1st period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Scott Mellanby in neutral zone.
8:58 of 1st period - Cory Stillman is hit by Martin Gelinas and loses puck.
9:29 of 1st period - Scott Mellanby is hit by Justin Williams and loses puck.
10:21 of 1st period - Off-side.
10:22 of 1st period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
11:24 of 1st period - Matt Cullen is hit by Juraj Kolnik and loses puck.
11:38 of 1st period - Off-side.
11:39 of 1st period - Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.
11:50 of 1st period - Branislav Mezei is hit by Erik Cole and loses puck.
11:57 of 1st period - Shot by Craig Adams.
11:57 of 1st period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
11:58 of 1st period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone.
12:28 of 1st period - Peter Bondra is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck.
12:39 of 1st period - Gary Roberts is hit by Justin Williams and loses puck.
12:59 of 1st period - Icing by Scott Mellanby.
13:00 of 1st period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Panthers zone.
13:09 of 1st period - Shot by Jozef Stumpel.
13:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
13:10 of 1st period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone.
13:10 of 1st period - Eric Staal is hit by Chris Gratton.
13:13 of 1st period - Icing by Oleg Tverdovsky.
13:14 of 1st period - Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone.
13:38 of 1st period - Branislav Mezei is hit by Niclas Wallin.
15:27 of 1st period - Icing by Sean Hill.
15:28 of 1st period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone.
16:23 of 1st period - Shot by Petr Nedved.
16:23 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Niclas Wallin.
16:28 of 1st period - Kristian Huselius is hit by Niclas Wallin and loses puck.
18:21 of 1st period - Icing by Jay Bouwmeester.
18:22 of 1st period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone.
18:22 of 1st period - Justin Williams is hit by Alexander Karpovtsev and loses puck.
18:34 of 1st period - Icing by Bret Hedican.
18:35 of 1st period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone.
18:42 of 1st period - Shot by Andy Sutton.
18:42 of 1st period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
18:43 of 1st period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Kevyn Adams in Hurricanes zone.

Period #2

0:01 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in neutral zone.
0:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
0:38 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:03 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Scott Mellanby for Tripping.
1:04 of 2nd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Juraj Kolnik in Panthers zone.
1:27 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel is hit by Erik Cole and loses puck.
2:38 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Andy Sutton for Interference.
2:39 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone.
4:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Ray Whitney.
4:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:27 of 2nd period - Icing by Niclas Wallin.
4:28 of 2nd period - Ray Whitney wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone.
5:04 of 2nd period - Cory Stillman is hit by Josef Boumedienne and loses puck.
5:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Rod Brind'Amour.
5:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound.
6:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Williams.
6:02 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
6:03 of 2nd period - Matt Cullen wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Panthers zone.
6:21 of 2nd period - Chris Gratton is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck.
6:34 of 2nd period - Joel Kwiatkowski is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck.
6:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
6:57 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
6:59 of 2nd period - Deflect By Josef Vasicek.
6:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
7:01 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Branislav Mezei.
7:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Craig Adams.
7:03 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
7:05 of 2nd period - Shot by Aaron Ward.
7:05 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound.
7:17 of 2nd period - Joel Kwiatkowski is hit by Craig Adams and loses puck.
8:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Peter Bondra.
8:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
8:01 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone.
8:55 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck.
8:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Sean Hill.
8:58 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Olli Jokinen.
9:02 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
9:03 of 2nd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone.
9:46 of 2nd period - Icing by Juraj Kolnik.
9:47 of 2nd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Panthers zone.
10:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
10:10 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
10:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
10:15 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Matt Cullen in Panthers zone.
10:17 of 2nd period - Peter Bondra is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck.
10:25 of 2nd period - Andy Sutton is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck.
10:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Ladd.
10:38 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Frantisek Kaberle.
10:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
10:41 of 2nd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Martin Gelinas in Panthers zone.
10:41 of 2nd period - Erik Cole is hit by Alexander Karpovtsev and loses puck.
11:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
11:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:07 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Alexander Karpovtsev for Hooking.
11:08 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone.
11:09 of 2nd period - Shot by Bret Hedican.
11:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
11:10 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone.
12:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Aaron Ward.
12:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound.
12:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Josef Vasicek.
12:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Glen Wesley.
12:22 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Andy Sutton.
12:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
12:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
12:27 of 2nd period - Craig Adams wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone.
12:27 of 2nd period - Craig Adams is hit by Josef Boumedienne.
12:46 of 2nd period - Icing by Glen Wesley.
12:47 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone.
12:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
12:56 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Aaron Ward.
12:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
12:59 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone.
13:11 of 2nd period - Eric Staal is hit by Joel Kwiatkowski.
13:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Radim Vrbata.
13:21 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Gary Roberts.
14:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Peter Bondra.
14:17 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Peter Bondra.
14:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
14:22 of 2nd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone.
15:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
15:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
15:03 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:10 of 2nd period - Icing by Aaron Ward.
15:11 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone.
15:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Martin Gelinas.
15:14 of 2nd period - Goal by Martin Gelinas - Panthers : 1 - Hurricanes : 3.
15:15 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone.
15:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Gary Roberts.
15:18 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
15:19 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone.
15:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Olli Jokinen.
15:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
16:00 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone.
17:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Kristian Huselius.
17:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Josef Boumedienne.
17:22 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
17:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace with a rebound.
17:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Pavel Trnka.
17:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
17:27 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone.
17:27 of 2nd period - Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Gary Roberts.
17:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Peter Bondra.
17:54 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Frantisek Kaberle.
17:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Peter Bondra.
17:56 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Gary Roberts.
17:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
17:59 of 2nd period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Oleg Saprykin in Hurricanes zone.
18:06 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Ladd.
18:06 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Joel Kwiatkowski.
18:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Chris Gratton.
18:22 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Chris Gratton.
18:32 of 2nd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
18:33 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone.
18:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Martin Gelinas.
18:56 of 2nd period - Goal by Martin Gelinas - Panthers : 2 - Hurricanes : 3.
18:57 of 2nd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
19:11 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Sean Hill for Interference.
19:12 of 2nd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone.
19:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
19:27 of 2nd period - Goal by Cory Stillman - Panthers : 2 - Hurricanes : 4.
19:28 of 2nd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Craig Adams in neutral zone.
19:33 of 2nd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
19:33 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Glen Wesley.
19:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Erik Cole.
19:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
19:42 of 2nd period - Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone.

Period #3

0:01 of 3rd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Olli Jokinen and loses puck.
0:38 of 3rd period - Icing by Bret Hedican.
0:39 of 3rd period - Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone.
0:39 of 3rd period - Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Scott Mellanby.
0:48 of 3rd period - Justin Williams is hit by Jay Bouwmeester and loses puck.
1:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Gelinas.
1:19 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Jozef Stumpel.
1:21 of 3rd period - Goal by Jozef Stumpel - Panthers : 3 - Hurricanes : 4.
1:22 of 3rd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
2:39 of 3rd period - Bret Hedican is hit by Olli Jokinen and loses puck.
3:09 of 3rd period - Off-side.
3:10 of 3rd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.
3:38 of 3rd period - Shot by Jozef Stumpel.
3:38 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Josef Vasicek.
3:55 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Eric Staal for Hooking.
3:56 of 3rd period - Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone.
4:51 of 3rd period - Icing by Jay Bouwmeester.
4:52 of 3rd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Cory Stillman in Panthers zone.
4:56 of 3rd period - Icing by Scott Mellanby.
4:57 of 3rd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Erik Cole in Panthers zone.
5:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Alexander Karpovtsev.
5:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Manny Legace with a rebound.
6:46 of 3rd period - Andreas Dackell is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck.
7:18 of 3rd period - Petr Nedved is hit by Andrew Hutchinson and loses puck.
7:38 of 3rd period - Pavel Trnka is hit by Matt Cullen and loses puck.
9:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Eric Staal.
9:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:48 of 3rd period - Shot by Ray Whitney.
9:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
9:49 of 3rd period - Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Justin Williams in Panthers zone.
10:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Justin Williams.
10:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Justin Williams.
10:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
10:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
10:13 of 3rd period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Panthers zone.
10:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Hutchinson.
10:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
10:29 of 3rd period - Scott Mellanby wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone.
10:31 of 3rd period - Alexander Karpovtsev is hit by Ray Whitney and loses puck.
11:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
11:19 of 3rd period - Deflect By Justin Williams.
11:19 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Cory Stillman.
11:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
11:24 of 3rd period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Kristian Huselius in Panthers zone.
11:34 of 3rd period - Pavel Trnka is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck.
11:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Petr Nedved.
11:43 of 3rd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
11:44 of 3rd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone.
11:48 of 3rd period - Off-side.
11:49 of 3rd period - Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.
11:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Oleg Saprykin.
11:54 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Glen Wesley.
12:13 of 3rd period - Off-side.
12:14 of 3rd period - Gary Roberts wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
12:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Radim Vrbata.
12:50 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound.
12:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Radim Vrbata.
12:52 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
12:53 of 3rd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone.
13:19 of 3rd period - Off-side.
13:20 of 3rd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in neutral zone.
13:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Petr Nedved.
13:42 of 3rd period - Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.
13:43 of 3rd period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone.
13:47 of 3rd period - Andrew Hutchinson is hit by Joel Kwiatkowski and loses puck.
14:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Kevyn Adams.
14:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound.
14:07 of 3rd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone.
14:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Eric Staal.
14:32 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Niclas Wallin.
14:34 of 3rd period - Goal by Niclas Wallin - Panthers : 3 - Hurricanes : 5.
14:35 of 3rd period - Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.
14:35 of 3rd period - Jay Bouwmeester is hit by Josef Vasicek and loses puck.
14:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Gelinas.
14:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:09 of 3rd period - Craig Adams is hit by Jay Bouwmeester and loses puck.
15:25 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Craig Adams for Tripping.
15:26 of 3rd period - Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone.
15:37 of 3rd period - Cory Stillman is hit by Gary Roberts and loses puck.
15:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Olli Jokinen.
15:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Gary Roberts.
15:59 of 3rd period - Deflect By Olli Jokinen.
15:59 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Sean Hill.
16:01 of 3rd period - Goal by Sean Hill - Panthers : 4 - Hurricanes : 5.
16:01 of 3rd period - Martin Gerber enters game.
16:02 of 3rd period - Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
16:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Kristian Huselius.
16:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound.
16:27 of 3rd period - Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone.
16:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Andreas Dackell.
16:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Chris Gratton.
16:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound.
16:55 of 3rd period - Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Kevyn Adams in Hurricanes zone.
17:25 of 3rd period - Icing by Bret Hedican.
17:26 of 3rd period - Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone.
17:26 of 3rd period - Kevyn Adams is hit by Petr Nedved.
17:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Petr Nedved.
17:42 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Andrew Hutchinson.
17:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
17:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Martin Gerber with a rebound.
17:46 of 3rd period - Shot by Josef Boumedienne.
17:46 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:48 of 3rd period - Shot by Josef Boumedienne.
17:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound.
17:49 of 3rd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone.
18:04 of 3rd period - Andreas Dackell is hit by Niclas Wallin.
18:42 of 3rd period - Oleg Tverdovsky is hit by Gary Roberts.
19:00 of 3rd period - Panthers, Roberto Luongo is pulled from the net.
19:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Kristian Huselius.
19:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:40 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
19:40 of 3rd period - Deflect By Andreas Dackell.
19:40 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
19:50 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Niclas Wallin.
19:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Juraj Kolnik.
19:52 of 3rd period - Stopped by Martin Gerber with a rebound.

Full Play by Play

Period #1

Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Frantisek Kaberle moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Rod Brind'Amour loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass to Gary Roberts in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Gary Roberts. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Cory Stillman. Puck retreived by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Scott Mellanby in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Off-side. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Pavel Trnka in Panthers zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass by Petr Nedved intercepted by Glen Wesley in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Goal by Josef Vasicek - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 1. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Niclas Wallin moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Pass by Scott Mellanby intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Martin Gelinas in neutral zone. Pass by Martin Gelinas intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev in Panthers zone. Icing by Alexander Karpovtsev. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Cullen.

Time : 2. Pass by Matt Cullen intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev in neutral zone. Alexander Karpovtsev moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Alexander Karpovtsev. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Josef Vasicek moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Craig Adams in Panthers zone. Craig Adams is hit by Andy Sutton. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Craig Adams. Shot by Craig Adams. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole.

Time : 3. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Sean Hill in neutral zone. Sean Hill moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Eric Staal. Pass to Radim Vrbata in neutral zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal. Shot by Eric Staal. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Scott Mellanby moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Scott Mellanby is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rod Brind'Amour for Hurricanes. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Cory Stillman moves puck in Panthers zone. Shot by Cory Stillman. Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Bret Hedican for Hurricanes. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Shot by Frantisek Kaberle. Goal by Frantisek Kaberle - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 2. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Andrew Hutchinson. Puck retreived by Oleg Saprykin. Oleg Saprykin is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei for Panthers.

Time : 4. Branislav Mezei moves puck in neutral zone. Branislav Mezei is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Gratton for Panthers. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Chris Gratton is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei for Panthers. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Minor Penalty to Bret Hedican for Hooking. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Erik Cole is ejected from face-off, Ray Whitney takes his place. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Ray Whitney in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Martin Gelinas is hit by Aaron Ward and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Aaron Ward. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Petr Nedved moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Martin Gelinas.

Time : 5. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Sean Hill moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Niclas Wallin is hit by Gary Roberts and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Aaron Ward. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Aaron Ward. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen. Icing by Olli Jokinen. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Erik Cole wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone. Pass to Ray Whitney. Shot by Ray Whitney. Shot Blocked by Sean Hill. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass to Gary Roberts in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Glen Wesley. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Glen Wesley. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Niclas Wallin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Niclas Wallin. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton. Pass to Sean Hill in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Petr Nedved moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Petr Nedved loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Gelinas for Panthers. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass by Scott Mellanby intercepted by Aaron Ward. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Oleg Saprykin. Pass by Oleg Saprykin intercepted by Bret Hedican. Pass to Andrew Ladd in neutral zone. Pass to Kevyn Adams in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Kevyn Adams. Pass by Kevyn Adams intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Branislav Mezei in Panthers zone. Pass to Chris Gratton in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Gratton intercepted by Bret Hedican in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Andreas Dackell in neutral zone. Pass by Andreas Dackell intercepted by Andrew Hutchinson in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Andreas Dackell in Panthers zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Oleg Saprykin moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Gratton. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Chris Gratton. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Andrew Hutchinson. Pass by Andrew Hutchinson intercepted by Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Pass to Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Shot by Kristian Huselius. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bret Hedican for Hurricanes. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson in neutral zone. Andrew Hutchinson moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Andrew Hutchinson. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Josef Boumedienne in neutral zone. Josef Boumedienne moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass by Pavel Trnka intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass by Ray Whitney intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Pavel Trnka in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Pavel Trnka moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Pavel Trnka. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Radim Vrbata moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Radim Vrbata intercepted by Andy Sutton in Panthers zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Niclas Wallin in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Niclas Wallin. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Andy Sutton in Panthers zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Olli Jokinen moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Olli Jokinen is hit by Aaron Ward and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Josef Vasicek moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole is hit by Sean Hill and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Goal by Josef Vasicek - Panthers : 0 - Hurricanes : 3. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel is ejected from face-off, Scott Mellanby takes his place. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Cory Stillman is hit by Martin Gelinas and loses puck.

Time : 9. Free Puck Retrieved by Frantisek Kaberle for Hurricanes. Frantisek Kaberle moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass by Cory Stillman intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass by Scott Mellanby intercepted by Bret Hedican. Pass to Justin Williams. Justin Williams moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Justin Williams. Puck retreived by Scott Mellanby. Scott Mellanby is hit by Justin Williams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rod Brind'Amour for Hurricanes. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Justin Williams. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Justin Williams. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Pass to Craig Adams in Panthers zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek.

Time : 10. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Josef Vasicek. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass by Erik Cole intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Craig Adams in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Juraj Kolnik moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Juraj Kolnik loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kristian Huselius for Panthers. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Kristian Huselius in neutral zone. Kristian Huselius moves puck in Hurricanes zone.

Time : 11. Pass by Kristian Huselius intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Ray Whitney moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Ray Whitney. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Andrew Hutchinson in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Hutchinson intercepted by Josef Boumedienne in Panthers zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Pavel Trnka. Puck retreived by Matt Cullen. Matt Cullen is hit by Juraj Kolnik and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Josef Boumedienne. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Andrew Hutchinson moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass by Andreas Dackell intercepted by Aaron Ward in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Branislav Mezei in Panthers zone. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Erik Cole in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole. Puck retreived by Branislav Mezei. Branislav Mezei is hit by Erik Cole and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Pass to Craig Adams. Shot by Craig Adams. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Peter Bondra.

Time : 12. Pass to Gary Roberts. Gary Roberts moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Andy Sutton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton for Panthers. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Puck retreived by Gary Roberts. Gary Roberts is hit by Justin Williams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Pass to Gary Roberts. Gary Roberts moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Sean Hill in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Justin Williams in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Williams intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in Panthers zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Icing by Scott Mellanby.

Time : 13. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Panthers zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Shot by Jozef Stumpel. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Eric Staal is hit by Chris Gratton. Icing by Oleg Tverdovsky. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Branislav Mezei in neutral zone. Branislav Mezei moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Branislav Mezei is hit by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass by Andreas Dackell intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Pass by Ray Whitney intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski in Panthers zone. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Radim Vrbata. Pass to Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Eric Staal. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kwiatkowski.

Time : 14. Pass to Oleg Saprykin in neutral zone. Oleg Saprykin moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Oleg Saprykin. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Aaron Ward. Pass to Craig Adams in neutral zone. Craig Adams moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Craig Adams. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Scott Mellanby moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jozef Stumpel. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Cory Stillman moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Pass by Rod Brind'Amour intercepted by Sean Hill. Icing by Sean Hill. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Gary Roberts.

Time : 16. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Oleg Tverdovsky. Puck retreived by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Juraj Kolnik in neutral zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Kristian Huselius loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Trnka for Panthers. Pass to Petr Nedved. Shot by Petr Nedved. Shot Blocked by Niclas Wallin. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Kristian Huselius is hit by Niclas Wallin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Pavel Trnka. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Chris Gratton in neutral zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Andreas Dackell loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kwiatkowski for Panthers. Pass to Oleg Saprykin.

Time : 17. Oleg Saprykin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Gratton for Panthers. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass to Branislav Mezei. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass to Chris Gratton. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Chris Gratton. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Eric Staal. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Scott Mellanby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jozef Stumpel for Panthers.

Time : 18. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass to Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Alexander Karpovtsev moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in Panthers zone. Icing by Jay Bouwmeester. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Justin Williams is hit by Alexander Karpovtsev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester for Panthers. Pass to Martin Gelinas in neutral zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Bret Hedican. Icing by Bret Hedican. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Shot by Andy Sutton. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Kevyn Adams in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Petr Nedved. Petr Nedved loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Trnka for Panthers. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Petr Nedved.

Time : 19. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Kevyn Adams in neutral zone. Kevyn Adams moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Petr Nedved. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Petr Nedved. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Matt Cullen. Pass to Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Bret Hedican. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass by Peter Bondra intercepted by Glen Wesley in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Josef Vasicek moves puck in Panthers zone. Josef Vasicek loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes.

Time : 20. End of Period.

Period #2

Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Frantisek Kaberle moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Frantisek Kaberle intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Justin Williams in neutral zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Pass by Rod Brind'Amour intercepted by Sean Hill in Panthers zone. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Cory Stillman. Shot by Cory Stillman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bret Hedican for Hurricanes. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton. Pass to Sean Hill. Sean Hill moves puck in neutral zone. Sean Hill moves puck in Hurricanes zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Scott Mellanby for Tripping. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Juraj Kolnik in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Vasicek for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Craig Adams for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Craig Adams. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole. Puck retreived by Jozef Stumpel. Jozef Stumpel is hit by Erik Cole and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Josef Boumedienne. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Craig Adams. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ward in Panthers zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Josef Vasicek. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Justin Williams in neutral zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Rod Brind'Amour moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Justin Williams.

Time : 2. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Cory Stillman. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Alexander Karpovtsev. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass to Aaron Ward in neutral zone. Aaron Ward moves puck in Panthers zone. Aaron Ward loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Craig Adams. Minor Penalty to Andy Sutton for Interference. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass by Cory Stillman intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jozef Stumpel. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Cory Stillman moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle.

Time : 3. Pass to Justin Williams. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Justin Williams. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Joel Kwiatkowski. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Joel Kwiatkowski. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ward in Panthers zone. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Josef Boumedienne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Josef Boumedienne. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Erik Cole. Pass to Josef Vasicek in Panthers zone. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Joel Kwiatkowski. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Olli Jokinen. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Craig Adams. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Erik Cole. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Glen Wesley in Panthers zone.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Glen Wesley. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Branislav Mezei. Pass to Sean Hill. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Radim Vrbata in neutral zone. Pass to Ray Whitney in Panthers zone. Shot by Ray Whitney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester for Panthers. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jozef Stumpel. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Icing by Niclas Wallin. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Ray Whitney wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass by Radim Vrbata intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Sean Hill. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Matt Cullen. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Kevyn Adams. Pass by Kevyn Adams intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Kevyn Adams. Pass to Cory Stillman.

Time : 5. Cory Stillman is hit by Josef Boumedienne and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cory Stillman for Hurricanes. Pass to Matt Cullen. Pass to Cory Stillman. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Cory Stillman. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass by Pavel Trnka intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Oleg Tverdovsky. Puck retreived by Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Niclas Wallin in neutral zone. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Radim Vrbata. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Justin Williams in neutral zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Shot by Rod Brind'Amour. Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes.

Time : 6. Pass to Justin Williams. Shot by Justin Williams. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams is ejected from face-off, Matt Cullen takes his place. Matt Cullen wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Panthers zone. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Matt Cullen. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Pass by Andrew Hutchinson intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass to Chris Gratton. Chris Gratton moves puck in neutral zone. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Chris Gratton is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Hutchinson for Hurricanes. Pass to Kevyn Adams. Pass to Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Bret Hedican. Puck retreived by Joel Kwiatkowski. Joel Kwiatkowski is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Ladd for Hurricanes. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Andrew Ladd. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Aaron Ward in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Shot by Erik Cole. Deflect By Josef Vasicek. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 7. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Shot by Erik Cole. Shot Blocked by Branislav Mezei. Free Puck Retrieved by Craig Adams for Hurricanes. Shot by Craig Adams. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Shot by Aaron Ward. Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Josef Vasicek. Puck retreived by Joel Kwiatkowski. Joel Kwiatkowski is hit by Craig Adams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Chris Gratton in neutral zone. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Chris Gratton. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Olli Jokinen moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra.

Time : 8. Shot by Peter Bondra. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass by Cory Stillman intercepted by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Justin Williams in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Williams intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev in Panthers zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Scott Mellanby. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Cory Stillman. Pass by Cory Stillman intercepted by Gary Roberts in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Olli Jokinen is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Hill for Panthers. Shot by Sean Hill. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Hill for Panthers.

Time : 9. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Shot by Olli Jokinen. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Radim Vrbata in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Radim Vrbata. Puck retreived by Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Radim Vrbata. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik. Icing by Juraj Kolnik. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Panthers zone. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Josef Vasicek in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Aaron Ward in Panthers zone. Pass to Glen Wesley. Pass to Craig Adams. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams is ejected from face-off, Matt Cullen takes his place. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Matt Cullen in Panthers zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra moves puck in neutral zone. Peter Bondra is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Hutchinson for Hurricanes. Pass by Andrew Hutchinson intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass to Andy Sutton. Andy Sutton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Andy Sutton is hit by Frantisek Kaberle and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Hutchinson for Hurricanes. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle in neutral zone. Frantisek Kaberle moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Shot by Andrew Ladd. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Frantisek Kaberle for Hurricanes. Shot by Frantisek Kaberle. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel is ejected from face-off, Martin Gelinas takes his place. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Martin Gelinas in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole is hit by Alexander Karpovtsev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester for Panthers. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev in Panthers zone. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Erik Cole. Pass to Josef Vasicek in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole.

Time : 11. Shot by Erik Cole. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev for Panthers. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass to Erik Cole. Minor Penalty to Alexander Karpovtsev for Hooking. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Bret Hedican. Shot by Bret Hedican. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Andy Sutton. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andy Sutton. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Frantisek Kaberle. Puck retreived by Jozef Stumpel. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jozef Stumpel. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Pass to Cory Stillman in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass by Cory Stillman intercepted by Martin Gelinas. Pass by Martin Gelinas intercepted by Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Justin Williams moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Justin Williams intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Branislav Mezei. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Rod Brind'Amour moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Rod Brind'Amour intercepted by Andreas Dackell in Panthers zone.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andreas Dackell. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Pass to Aaron Ward in Panthers zone. Shot by Aaron Ward. Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Vasicek for Hurricanes. Shot by Josef Vasicek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Shot by Glen Wesley. Shot Blocked by Andy Sutton. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole. Shot by Erik Cole. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek is ejected from face-off, Craig Adams takes his place. Craig Adams wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Craig Adams is hit by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Erik Cole intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Aaron Ward. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Glen Wesley. Icing by Glen Wesley. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Craig Adams. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole moves puck in neutral zone. Erik Cole moves puck in Panthers zone. Shot by Erik Cole. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Shot by Aaron Ward. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams.

Time : 13. Pass to Cory Stillman. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Cory Stillman. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Pass to Eric Staal. Eric Staal is hit by Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Shot by Radim Vrbata. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei for Panthers. Pass to Oleg Saprykin in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Chris Gratton intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in Panthers zone. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass to Oleg Saprykin in neutral zone. Oleg Saprykin moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Oleg Saprykin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andreas Dackell for Panthers. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andreas Dackell. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Oleg Tverdovsky. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo.

Time : 14. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Sean Hill in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Puck retreived by Kevyn Adams. Pass by Kevyn Adams intercepted by Sean Hill in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Gary Roberts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra. Shot by Peter Bondra. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Gary Roberts for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra. Shot by Peter Bondra. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Erik Cole intercepted by Pavel Trnka in Panthers zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik in neutral zone. Juraj Kolnik moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Josef Boumedienne in neutral zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Juraj Kolnik.

Time : 15. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik for Panthers. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Trnka for Panthers. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Pavel Trnka. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Aaron Ward. Icing by Aaron Ward. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Shot by Martin Gelinas. Goal by Martin Gelinas - Panthers : 1 - Hurricanes : 3. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Gary Roberts. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Rod Brind'Amour. Pass to Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Pass to Bret Hedican in Panthers zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Sean Hill. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. Puck retreived by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass by Frantisek Kaberle intercepted by Sean Hill in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass by Frantisek Kaberle intercepted by Olli Jokinen. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Bret Hedican. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Andy Sutton in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Shot by Olli Jokinen. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound.

Time : 16. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Martin Gelinas in neutral zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Jay Bouwmeester. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Scott Mellanby. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Martin Gelinas. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Oleg Tverdovsky. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik in Hurricanes zone.

Time : 17. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Shot by Kristian Huselius. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Shot by Josef Boumedienne. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik for Panthers. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Stopped by Manny Legace with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Trnka for Panthers. Shot by Pavel Trnka. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Gary Roberts. Frantisek Kaberle moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Frantisek Kaberle. Puck retreived by Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Peter Bondra moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Shot by Peter Bondra. Shot Blocked by Frantisek Kaberle. Free Puck Retrieved by Peter Bondra for Panthers. Shot by Peter Bondra. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Gary Roberts for Panthers. Shot by Gary Roberts. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Chris Gratton is ejected from face-off, Oleg Saprykin takes his place. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Oleg Saprykin in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Bret Hedican.

Time : 18. Bret Hedican moves puck in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Shot by Andrew Ladd. Shot Blocked by Joel Kwiatkowski. Free Puck Retrieved by Oleg Saprykin for Panthers. Pass to Chris Gratton in neutral zone. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Chris Gratton. Shot by Chris Gratton. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei for Panthers. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Chris Gratton. Shot by Chris Gratton. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass by Scott Mellanby intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Martin Gelinas in neutral zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Aaron Ward. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Shot by Martin Gelinas. Goal by Martin Gelinas - Panthers : 2 - Hurricanes : 3. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen.

Time : 19. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Eric Staal in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in neutral zone. Oleg Tverdovsky moves puck in Panthers zone. Minor Penalty to Sean Hill for Interference. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andreas Dackell. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Rod Brind'Amour moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Justin Williams. Pass to Cory Stillman. Shot by Cory Stillman. Goal by Cory Stillman - Panthers : 2 - Hurricanes : 4. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek is ejected from face-off, Craig Adams takes his place. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pavel Trnka moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Shot Blocked by Glen Wesley. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Erik Cole moves puck in Panthers zone. Shot by Erik Cole. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Branislav Mezei in neutral zone. Branislav Mezei moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Andreas Dackell.

Time : 20. End of Period.

Period #3

Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Peter Bondra. Puck retreived by Rod Brind'Amour. Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Olli Jokinen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gary Roberts for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Bret Hedican. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Peter Bondra intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Gary Roberts. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Peter Bondra intercepted by Bret Hedican. Icing by Bret Hedican. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Rod Brind'Amour wins face-off versus Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Rod Brind'Amour is hit by Scott Mellanby. Cory Stillman moves puck in neutral zone. Cory Stillman moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Justin Williams. Justin Williams is hit by Jay Bouwmeester and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Frantisek Kaberle for Hurricanes. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Frantisek Kaberle. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Martin Gelinas in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Shot by Martin Gelinas. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jozef Stumpel for Panthers. Shot by Jozef Stumpel. Goal by Jozef Stumpel - Panthers : 3 - Hurricanes : 4. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pavel Trnka moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Pavel Trnka intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass by Josef Boumedienne intercepted by Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Pavel Trnka. Pass to Kristian Huselius in neutral zone. Kristian Huselius moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Ray Whitney moves puck in Panthers zone.

Time : 2. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Radim Vrbata. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Pavel Trnka. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass by Petr Nedved intercepted by Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Kevyn Adams. Pass by Kevyn Adams intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass by Petr Nedved intercepted by Bret Hedican in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Petr Nedved. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Petr Nedved. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Kevyn Adams. Pass by Kevyn Adams intercepted by Gary Roberts in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Olli Jokinen. Puck retreived by Bret Hedican. Bret Hedican is hit by Olli Jokinen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Bret Hedican in neutral zone. Bret Hedican moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Bret Hedican. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo.

Time : 3. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Gary Roberts in neutral zone. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Glen Wesley in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass by Martin Gelinas intercepted by Josef Vasicek. Pass to Erik Cole in Panthers zone. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Scott Mellanby moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Scott Mellanby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Erik Cole for Hurricanes. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Josef Vasicek moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Shot by Jozef Stumpel. Shot Blocked by Josef Vasicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Aaron Ward for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Josef Vasicek moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Josef Vasicek. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Eric Staal for Hooking. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour.

Time : 4. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Rod Brind'Amour. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Frantisek Kaberle. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andy Sutton. Puck retreived by Cory Stillman. Pass to Rod Brind'Amour. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Rod Brind'Amour. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass by Peter Bondra intercepted by Ray Whitney. Pass by Ray Whitney intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass to Gary Roberts in neutral zone. Pass to Sean Hill in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Sean Hill. PowerPlay Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Aaron Ward. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Aaron Ward. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Cory Stillman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Cory Stillman. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Jay Bouwmeester. Icing by Jay Bouwmeester. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Cory Stillman in Panthers zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Icing by Scott Mellanby. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Erik Cole in Panthers zone. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Alexander Karpovtsev moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Alexander Karpovtsev moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Alexander Karpovtsev. Stopped by Manny Legace with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Ray Whitney. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Gelinas. Pass to Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Martin Gelinas. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Frantisek Kaberle. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Frantisek Kaberle. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Glen Wesley. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Olli Jokinen. Puck retreived by Niclas Wallin. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Niclas Wallin. Penalty Kill Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Peter Bondra intercepted by Glen Wesley. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Glen Wesley. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell.

Time : 6. Pass by Andreas Dackell intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Ray Whitney in neutral zone. Ray Whitney moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Ray Whitney intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Branislav Mezei in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Branislav Mezei. Puck retreived by Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Oleg Tverdovsky. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Matt Cullen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Matt Cullen. Puck retreived by Andreas Dackell. Andreas Dackell is hit by Kevyn Adams and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Branislav Mezei for Panthers. Pass by Branislav Mezei intercepted by Andrew Ladd in neutral zone. Pass to Bret Hedican in Panthers zone. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Branislav Mezei. Pass to Chris Gratton in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Chris Gratton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Chris Gratton. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Manny Legace. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Petr Nedved. Petr Nedved is hit by Andrew Hutchinson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Hutchinson for Hurricanes. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Andrew Ladd loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Hutchinson for Hurricanes. Pass to Kevyn Adams in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Kevyn Adams. Puck retreived by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Pavel Trnka is hit by Matt Cullen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevyn Adams for Hurricanes. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Andrew Ladd moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Andrew Ladd. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Pavel Trnka moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Pavel Trnka. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Martin Gelinas.

Time : 8. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Scott Mellanby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev for Panthers. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass by Scott Mellanby intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Scott Mellanby in neutral zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Josef Vasicek. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Pass to Craig Adams in Panthers zone. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Aaron Ward. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Alexander Karpovtsev in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Pass to Scott Mellanby in Hurricanes zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Scott Mellanby. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Glen Wesley. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole. Puck retreived by Peter Bondra. Pass to Gary Roberts in neutral zone. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Sean Hill in Panthers zone.

Time : 9. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Peter Bondra. Puck retreived by Aaron Ward. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Erik Cole moves puck in Panthers zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Erik Cole. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Andy Sutton. Pass to Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Peter Bondra moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass by Olli Jokinen intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Ray Whitney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Shot by Eric Staal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Radim Vrbata for Hurricanes. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Shot by Ray Whitney. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Rod Brind'Amour is ejected from face-off, Justin Williams takes his place. Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Justin Williams in Panthers zone. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Joel Kwiatkowski moves puck in neutral zone. Joel Kwiatkowski moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Bret Hedican.

Time : 10. Pass to Justin Williams in neutral zone. Justin Williams moves puck in Panthers zone. Shot by Justin Williams. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bret Hedican for Hurricanes. Pass to Justin Williams. Shot by Justin Williams. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Frantisek Kaberle for Hurricanes. Pass to Cory Stillman. Shot by Cory Stillman. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass to Frantisek Kaberle. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Pavel Trnka. Pass by Pavel Trnka intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle in neutral zone. Pass to Kevyn Adams. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson in Panthers zone. Shot by Andrew Hutchinson. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel is ejected from face-off, Scott Mellanby takes his place. Scott Mellanby wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Panthers zone. Pass to Alexander Karpovtsev. Alexander Karpovtsev moves puck in neutral zone. Alexander Karpovtsev is hit by Ray Whitney and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niclas Wallin for Hurricanes. Pass to Radim Vrbata in Panthers zone. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Ray Whitney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niclas Wallin for Hurricanes. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Eric Staal.

Time : 11. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Radim Vrbata. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle in neutral zone. Pass to Bret Hedican in Panthers zone. Pass to Cory Stillman. Shot by Cory Stillman. Deflect By Justin Williams. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Frantisek Kaberle for Hurricanes. Pass to Cory Stillman. Shot by Cory Stillman. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved is ejected from face-off, Kristian Huselius takes his place. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Kristian Huselius in Panthers zone. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Pavel Trnka in neutral zone. Pavel Trnka moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pavel Trnka is hit by Bret Hedican and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kristian Huselius for Panthers. Pass to Petr Nedved. Shot by Petr Nedved. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass by Aaron Ward intercepted by Sean Hill in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Chris Gratton wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Oleg Saprykin moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Oleg Saprykin. Shot Blocked by Glen Wesley. Free Puck Retrieved by Glen Wesley for Hurricanes. Pass to Erik Cole in neutral zone. Erik Cole moves puck in Panthers zone.

Time : 12. Pass to Aaron Ward. Pass to Craig Adams. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Craig Adams in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen is ejected from face-off, Gary Roberts takes his place. Gary Roberts wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass by Ray Whitney intercepted by Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Eric Staal. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Andy Sutton in neutral zone. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Ray Whitney. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Radim Vrbata moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass by Radim Vrbata intercepted by Sean Hill. Pass by Sean Hill intercepted by Niclas Wallin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Niclas Wallin. Puck retreived by Gary Roberts. Pass by Gary Roberts intercepted by Eric Staal. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Shot by Radim Vrbata. Stopped by Roberto Luongo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Radim Vrbata for Hurricanes. Shot by Radim Vrbata. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Rod Brind'Amour in Panthers zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in neutral zone. Jay Bouwmeester moves puck in Hurricanes zone.

Time : 13. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Frantisek Kaberle. Pass by Frantisek Kaberle intercepted by Scott Mellanby. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Bret Hedican. Pass by Bret Hedican intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in neutral zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole moves puck in Panthers zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass to Erik Cole. Erik Cole loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Pass to Juraj Kolnik in neutral zone. Pass to Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Petr Nedved. Shot by Petr Nedved. Stopped by Manny Legace without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Andrew Hutchinson moves puck in neutral zone. Andrew Hutchinson moves puck in Panthers zone. Andrew Hutchinson is hit by Joel Kwiatkowski and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bret Hedican for Hurricanes. Pass to Matt Cullen. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Andrew Ladd.

Time : 14. Pass to Andrew Hutchinson. Pass to Bret Hedican. Pass to Kevyn Adams. Shot by Kevyn Adams. Stopped by Roberto Luongo without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Panthers zone. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Radim Vrbata. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass to Ray Whitney. Pass to Eric Staal. Shot by Eric Staal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niclas Wallin for Hurricanes. Shot by Niclas Wallin. Goal by Niclas Wallin - Panthers : 3 - Hurricanes : 5. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Jozef Stumpel wins face-off versus Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Jay Bouwmeester is hit by Josef Vasicek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jozef Stumpel for Panthers. Pass to Scott Mellanby in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in neutral zone. Pass to Jozef Stumpel in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Martin Gelinas. Shot by Martin Gelinas. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev for Panthers. Pass by Alexander Karpovtsev intercepted by Aaron Ward. Pass to Josef Vasicek in neutral zone. Josef Vasicek moves puck in Panthers zone.

Time : 15. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Pass to Erik Cole in Panthers zone. Pass to Craig Adams. Craig Adams is hit by Jay Bouwmeester and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Gelinas for Panthers. Pass to Jozef Stumpel. Pass by Jozef Stumpel intercepted by Craig Adams in neutral zone. Pass by Craig Adams intercepted by Jozef Stumpel in Panthers zone. Pass to Jay Bouwmeester. Pass by Jay Bouwmeester intercepted by Glen Wesley in neutral zone. Pass to Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Jay Bouwmeester in Panthers zone. Minor Penalty to Craig Adams for Tripping. PowerPlay Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Cory Stillman wins face-off versus Olli Jokinen in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Bret Hedican. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Bret Hedican. Penalty Kill Lineup #1 is on ice for Hurricanes. Free Puck Retrieved by Roberto Luongo. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Olli Jokinen. Puck retreived by Cory Stillman. Cory Stillman is hit by Gary Roberts and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gary Roberts for Panthers. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Peter Bondra loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Jokinen for Panthers. Shot by Olli Jokinen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Gary Roberts for Panthers. Shot by Gary Roberts. Deflect By Olli Jokinen. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 16. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Hill for Panthers. Shot by Sean Hill. Goal by Sean Hill - Panthers : 4 - Hurricanes : 5. Martin Gerber enters game. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Petr Nedved wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pavel Trnka loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Josef Boumedienne moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Petr Nedved. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Shot by Kristian Huselius. Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #2 is on ice for Hurricanes. Josef Vasicek wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Erik Cole. Pass by Erik Cole intercepted by Andreas Dackell in neutral zone. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Joel Kwiatkowski intercepted by Josef Vasicek. Pass by Josef Vasicek intercepted by Andreas Dackell in neutral zone. Pass by Andreas Dackell intercepted by Glen Wesley. Pass by Glen Wesley intercepted by Andreas Dackell in Panthers zone. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Oleg Saprykin moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell in Hurricanes zone. Shot by Andreas Dackell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Gratton for Panthers. Shot by Chris Gratton. Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Hurricanes. Olli Jokinen wins face-off versus Kevyn Adams in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill.

Time : 17. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Andy Sutton. Pass by Andy Sutton intercepted by Bret Hedican. Icing by Bret Hedican. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Panthers. Kevyn Adams wins face-off versus Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Matt Cullen. Kevyn Adams is hit by Petr Nedved. Pass by Matt Cullen intercepted by Josef Boumedienne in neutral zone. Pass to Petr Nedved in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Pavel Trnka. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Petr Nedved. Shot by Petr Nedved. Shot Blocked by Andrew Hutchinson. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik for Panthers. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Stopped by Martin Gerber with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Shot by Josef Boumedienne. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Shot by Josef Boumedienne. Stopped by Martin Gerber without a rebound. Normal Lineup #4 is on ice for Panthers. Normal Lineup #3 is on ice for Hurricanes. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Chris Gratton in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Ray Whitney. Ray Whitney moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Panthers zone by Ray Whitney. Puck retreived by Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Andreas Dackell in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Andreas Dackell moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Andreas Dackell is hit by Niclas Wallin. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Pass to Joel Kwiatkowski. Pass to Oleg Saprykin. Pass to Chris Gratton. Pass to Andreas Dackell. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Andreas Dackell. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Martin Gerber. Pass to Niclas Wallin. Pass by Niclas Wallin intercepted by Olli Jokinen in neutral zone. Pass to Peter Bondra. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Peter Bondra. Puck retreived by Oleg Tverdovsky. Oleg Tverdovsky is hit by Gary Roberts. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Peter Bondra in neutral zone. Pass to Andy Sutton. Andy Sutton moves puck in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Sean Hill. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Olli Jokinen.

Time : 19. Panthers, Roberto Luongo is pulled from the net. Pass to Peter Bondra. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Gary Roberts. Pass to Olli Jokinen. Pass to Peter Bondra. Puck is dumped in Hurricanes zone by Peter Bondra. Normal Lineup #1 is on ice for Panthers. Puck retreived by Martin Gerber. Pass to Oleg Tverdovsky. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Juraj Kolnik in neutral zone. Pass by Juraj Kolnik intercepted by Oleg Tverdovsky in Hurricanes zone. Pass by Oleg Tverdovsky intercepted by Juraj Kolnik in neutral zone. Pass to Andreas Dackell in Hurricanes zone. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Shot by Kristian Huselius. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik for Panthers. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Deflect By Andreas Dackell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Josef Boumedienne for Panthers. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Juraj Kolnik. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Shot Blocked by Niclas Wallin. Free Puck Retrieved by Juraj Kolnik for Panthers. Shot by Juraj Kolnik. Stopped by Martin Gerber with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Karpovtsev for Panthers. Pass to Josef Boumedienne. Pass to Kristian Huselius. Pass to Andreas Dackell.

Time : 20. End of Period.

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